Consonant Table:
b p m f
d t n l
g k h
j q x
z c s r
zh ch sh
y w
b - as the "b" in "book"
p - as the "p" in "pool"
m - as the "m" in "moon"
f - as the "f" in "food"
d - as the "d" in "door"
t - as the "t" in "tom"
n - as the "n" in "no"
l - as the "l" in "love"
g - as the "g" in good"
k - as the "k" in "kill"
h- as the "h" in "high"
j- as the "j" in "jeep"
q- as the "ch" in "cheese"
x- as the "sh" in "sharp"
z- as the "z" in "zero"
c- as the "ts" in "tsunami"
s- as the "s" in "sun"
r- as the "r" in "red"
zh- start with 'j' in "jeep", but then end smoothly with "r" sound. The first 2 sounds in the sample voice show such move.
ch- start with 'q' in "cheese", but then end smoothly with "r" sound. The first 2 sounds in the sample voice show such move.
sh - start with 'x' in "sharp", but then end smoothly with "r" sound. The first 2 sounds in the sample voice show such move.
( 'zh, ch, sh' are similar to, but strictly different from 'j, q, x' respectively. However, mixing them is not a too big problem for you to be understood in China.)
y- as the "y" in "yes"
w- as the "w" in "wood"
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